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合作伙伴 Case
Case 芯片&技术
Case 芯片&技术
说明: 云南广电网络集团有限公司是经省委、省政府批准于2009年12月挂牌成立的省属国有重要骨干企业,是我省唯一经营、管理、建设全省有线电视网络的多媒体综合信息服务运营商,是全省数字电视产业的市场运营主体。
说明: 浙江广播电视集团成立于2001年11月8日,由浙江电台、浙江电视台及相关企事业单位组建而成,是省委、省政府直属的新闻宣传单位。现有员工7000多人。集团拥有20个广播电视频道。其中电视频道12个,浙江卫视为卫星频道;钱江都市、经济生活、教育科技、影视娱乐、民生休闲、公共•新闻、少儿频道为地面频道;国际频道为境外落地频道;留学世界、数码时代和好易购分别是数字付费和家庭购物频道。广播频道8个,分别是浙江之声、经济频道、音乐调频、民生资讯、交通之声、城市之声、旅游之声和浙江新闻广播。每天播出广播电视节目450多个小时。
案例名称: 中国联通
说明: 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司(简称“中国联通”)于2009年1月6日在原中国网通和原中国联通的基础上合并组建而成,在国内31个省(自治区、直辖市)和境外多个国家和地区设有分支机构,是中国唯一一家在纽约、香港、上海三地同时上市的电信运营企业,连续多年入选“世界500强企业”。
案例名称: Viaccess
说明: Viaccess-Orca is a visionary partner for content service providers worldwide, thanks to its ability to shape the ultimate content experience wherever viewers are and on whatever device they choose to consume content.With integrated products and innovative, business savvy solutions, Viaccess-Orca helps content service providers gain a competitive edge in this market of unmanaged networks and IP-connected devices. Since the user experience (UX) is a critical success factor for operators today, Viaccess-Orca’s solutions focus on delivering engaging experiences on all platforms for a new entertainment world. The company assists service providers in creating long term loyalty on the customer journey to discover, choose and consume content in a secure manner. Viaccess-Orca is part of the Orange ...
案例名称: Nagra
说明: The Nagra Kudelski Group is a world leader in digital security and convergent media solutions for the delivery of digital and interactive content.Its technologies are used in a wide range of services and applications requiring access control and rights management to secure the revenue of content owners and service providers for digital television and interactive applications across broadcast, broadband and mobile delivery networks.The Group also offers managed cyber security services, subscription-based solutions and consulting capabilities to organizations in private and public sectors.
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